So, today is the most dreaded day of the week. Monday. Monday is usually the day where I cram all of the other homework I didn't do Friday, or any of the other days that I had a chance to do it. Currently at a community college surrounded by assorted people, kind of like a box of chocolates. People working their heart out and studying, some people acting like they're working their heart out and studying, and the few that are working on their blog(me) or just on facebook liking that one random guy that they think is cute's status.
This blog is filled with procrastination and I tell you, along with tumblr, it will be the death of me. BUT I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS BLOG AND TUMBLR.
My Antonia! My Antonia! Where art thou? My bohemian child, tell the wanderers what I have spoken of, the great land of Jefferson County!
Currently reading "My Antonia" for school, finishing up the project that I will hopefully have done by tonight, and then watch Glee or The Big Bang Theory. In all honesty, I'm probably not really like my mother who studies day and night, can't sleep because she's thinking about her school all the time, and studies anywhere and everywhere, at home, in the car, even at the movies. She studies way too much, and is