Monday, February 27, 2012

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

The film Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy did not win anything at the Oscars last night. What is this. Hugo and The Artist took all of the awards. I'm generally angered at this, but I'm quite happy that Benedict Cumberbatch was on screen for 2 seconds. My night was made by that. But when Gary Oldman didn't get an oscar for best male lead, I was finished(Even though his category was at the end).
Other than the Oscars, nothing really has been going on in my life. On Thursday, the photography class that I'm in went to a Skate Park and we took pictures of random people skateboarding. It was really fun watching people fall and then take pictures of their fail-ness. Maybe I should start editing those photos now.... Also, on Thursday, I was really sick. I had a cold that was shadowing over me and even at the moment it is trying to keep me down. On Saturday, I help my mom clean two houses and one house had a lot of dust in it and all the dust really got to me. So ever since Saturday, I've been having difficulty breathing and stuff. It's not cool, but I'll be alright.
I've had the Glee cover of "Cough Syrup" in my head for the past week or so. I've had it on repeat for the past few days and I regret nothing. :)
On another note, on Monday night at the WCCHE art show, I won first and second prize in the photography category. I guess that's big news.
Have a good week everyone!



  2. Benedict is awesome. Congrats on winning for your photography! Is Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy good?

    1. I haven't seen all of it yet! I'll let you know when I get done with it. ;)

    2. My Grandma saw it, and she loved it. Sooooo yeaaaah.

  3. Call me dumb or just really tired (probably dumb) but I did not really understand that movie. I need to read a analysis of it or something because in the end it was supposedly all a set up and he was actually (if you haven't watched the movie and you want to don't read the rest of my sentence)the bad guy. But Gary Oldman is great. He is so good in Batman Begins and Dark Night.
