Thursday, October 13, 2011

This week

This morning I woke up feeling like P Diddy and forgot it wasn't a Friday Friday and I couldn't get down a Friday, but then jammed and peanut buttered like a total Thursday Homeschooler. After Homelink, which contained no yearbook, a trip to Deals just for a deck of cards, an awesome walk around a different street, walking around a graveyard and looking at cute/superduperadorable reptiles in a shop, and sharing REDVINES(the greatest snack in the world) with some people while watching Godzilla: The Final Wars, this was one of the best weeks. For the past couple of weeks of Homelink, I really didn't want to go and going back and seeing everyone made me not want to go anymore. But then today and Tuesday changed it. I got over the little things that pestered me, and I stuck up for others who needed it more.
I think the girl that gets made fun of is beautiful, I think the guy who thinks he isn't good enough is more than enough, I think people make themselves believe that they're worth nothing, but they're truly priceless.
Brittany blogged about how she heard some girls bad talking about one of their "friends" or so, and they backstabbed hardcore, I really don't think that things like that should be tolerated. To me, Homelink is a safehouse and you'll be accepted there no matter what, there's always someone there to talk to and be by your side. Some people proved me wrong, but I don't care that much.
There are a few people I want to give shout outs to: Brandi, Nichole, Brittany, and Staci. I love you girls, and you're beautiful.

Here's a token of gratitude: a very pretty British boy, and if you don't like him, I can't do anything. PRETTY BOYS DON'T JUST GROW ON TREES.

(Patrick Wolf)

"Sometimes I get emotional over fonts." -Kanye West


  1. Just wanted to say, everyone had a brighter day because of your redvines. Everyone.
    Also, its nice to know a friend with one face, not two.

  2. I really appreciated this post because i feel the same way, Its people like you that can change homelink to be a better place for everyone. Thanks for speaking truth :)

  3. This was deep. You brought up some good philosophical points here. Nice job Confucius.

  4. I got some of your redvines! But it wasn't during Godzilla(which an amazinly classic movie by the way)but Wooster and Jeeves :)
